Tuesday, June 14, 2011


I want to share with you some about subject of meditation.why i used the word 'some' because on meditation you can not use words,it is an eternal blissful state so we can,t express by 'words'.There is limitation of the words.it is activities of our mind.which we express by words it comes from outside.but there is not any other way to express this topic without using words.that is why in gurubani it is said that it is like sweets of a person who can not speak but only can taste it.he enjoys himself but can,t express by words.so like that is meditation it will give you taste of eternal bliss but .in India we use word sat-chitt-ananda[bliss].I will explain it as my best.but i want to share with you why we should do this?what is the purpose of this art of meditation?I want give some ideas on the subject as i am feeling in my life.I think one turns a new leaf in his life by applying this art this way.everything becomes more attractive and beautiful.you becomes light you feels new feathers start to grow in your life.Envy,frustration,anger,your negative forces start to turns in positive .this world becomes more meaningful,your behavior starts to change toward people around you.it comes in your face,eyes in your speech.so i want to accompany with you so that i share with you some enlightened saints with i stayed in my life.my guru saint nikka singh ji was an enlightened saint.he never touched money in his whole life of 100 years.saint Ram singh head of nirmal Ashram also one of them.chandra swami from Domat near Deharadoon.I lived with Osho Rajneesh also and studied thoroughly J.krishanamurti,Maharishi Ramana.so i want to give every help on meditation.this was i want to write or want to say.please contact with my blog.on face book aswami@live .com and read this material so that i can share with you.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

who dwells in his own self.

samaduhkhasukh swasthoh,samalostasmakancanah,
tulyapriyaapria dhiras,tulyanindiatamstutin.--24

He who regards pain and pleasure alike,who dwells in his own self,who looks upon a cold and heat,a stone or a piece of gold as of equale wirth.who remains the same amidst the pleasunt and unpleasunt things who is firm of mind,who regards both blame and praise as one.
These things attracts us as an ordinary person.our mind is driving us.it is the result of millenume by intllect knowledge.it is a store house of memory by our past knowledge.our education,religon and culture.it is programed like a compture.these are only conspts of our mind.that is why we delite forms and names from our mind in meditation by observation or by any other method.when it becomes empty the self shines as a residue.when we were children our toys have great value for us.but when we becomes young they have not any value at all.like this he who realised his self pain and pleasure,gold and mud has no difference due to his new experince of bliss.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Just observer of the modes.

vadasinavad asino,gunair yo na vicalyate.
guna vartant ity eva,yo vatishthati ne ngate.-23

He is seated unconcerned,unpertubed by the modes.he stands apart without wavering,for he knows that these are only modes that are act.--23
This stage is highest form.he abids only in the self,mind remains in samadhi.In this stage experiences of pain and pleasure do not exist.the meaning of this solaka is he remains in shasi-bhava everytime.this is why he manifests blissful stage where there are not exists name and forms,that is why he do not touches pain and pleasure.in this stage due to peace in his mind everything in outer world becomes so beautiful.
This is like as we see two parties quarelling in a street and you are watching from the roof.they are fighting and abousing but it does not touches to you.but this practice should be performed in our activties midest of the world,in market in your work,any body insults you and you will remain in self observing in every circumstances.