Friday, December 10, 2010

Sines of jivanmukta. Realized person

shribhgwanu uvaca

parkasam ca prvirtim ca,mohan eva ca pandava
na dvesti sampravrttani,na nivrttani kankosati.---22

He o! pandava[Arjana] who does not abhor,illumination,activity and delusion when they arise nor longer for them when they cease
When goodness,activity and delusion arises in our minds He does not invest them and when these disappear he takes no interest in them. these scenes are in our mind but He is aware that he is not the mind.this is the main secret.He knows that he is a witness of the mind but not the mind itself.these three modes remains in mind,sattava[goodness],rajas[activity] and thamasa[dullness].these three virties[modes]arise and vanishes but he is the watcher of these three virtees[modes] and completely aware that they are watched.He is aware that self is watcher in that way of mind,mind, intellect, scenes and scene organs.He remains still in the self.
He knows that these are in my mind not in me becuse i am the pure self.[Bharms].The mind is a part of parkirti[nature].and everything in parkirti[nature] is changing movement to movement.He remains still witness of these changes when they appears and disappears.He does not caught up with thoughts.these thoughts continually appear and disappeare. as these are parts of parakirti[nature]. In Buddisum this practice is called as 'Zazen' Dozen a great sage of 12th century appericated and write extensively on this practice.
So when these gunas[modes]appears as sattva,rajasa,and thumsa He has not feeling towards them,not even hate.he is aware that these are a part of parkirti and will change.He does not celebrate there arrival nor does He mourn there departure.

Sines of jivanmukta.

Three modes Solaka--21 chapter-14.

kair lingais trin gunas etan,atito bhavati prabho.
kimacarah katham cai tans,trin gunan ativartali.----21

In this solaka Arjuna said to shri krishana," O! God please clear my doubt.who has risen above of these three modes characterized? what is the way of life?how does he get belonged the three modes."
Here question of Arjana is very clear.he wants to know about an enlightened person who has gone beyond these three gunas[modes],goodness,passion and dullness.because such a person can go beyond the seed of formation a new body.second he asked what is his way of he leads his life in this world.third question is how he can go beyond these three modes,in this solaka he puts forth three do you identify a person who achieve perfection in his present life.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Beyond nature[Gunas]

janm,mrutu,jara,dukha virmuktu,muritmashnuta.--20

The seed of rebirth is our subtle body.when an enlightened soul becomes one with the self his seed for rebirth -our subtle body burns in the flames of juana[knowledge].he feels deathless bliss of juana due to leaving the three mods of nature behind in his he has experience of bliss in his human form.this stage is our very nature beyond old age,death,birth ,pain and pleasure.
The meaning of this solaka is that the reason of birth of this body is due to three gunas.[mods].when one is free from these three gunas than there is no any reason of rebirth the body.we feels that eternal bliss which can not describe in words.we come to know our real photo.before that we identify ourself with body and mind.This state is called as self abidance.[sat-chitt-ananda].this is our destination.we have to come this stage which is our real being.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Direct path by observation

nanam kartarm yaddha,darstha anupasati,
gunebhyas ca param vetti,madhavam so dhigacchati.--19

When a person becomes witness due to his knowledge.when he becomes witness of all the activities.actions,and knows that all the deeds are work of gunas by nature[rajas,sattava,tahmsa].it is the act of mind,body,sense organs but not by witness[me].I am not doer but only 'I AM'only witness and can watch the activities of these things and thus by observation he feels the eternal peace of the self.
It is a very valuable solaka of Gita 19th solaka of the 14th chapter.this is the origin of buddha's vippasana.Buddha said,"watch your steps when you are your actions when you are your breath when your mind every time.
When practically we start watching our mind than thought process begins to decrease and we feels a cool,peaceful state of mind.if you will start this practice you will feel the taste of bliss[sat-chit-ananda].but we can not define that state through words. If you ever studied j.krishanamurti he says observation should at any when a man becomes observer of his own mind then he can get the self which is our real your attitude will change towards will no live like an ordinary human.the theory which you have read will becomes practical.this experience one day can lead you towards salvation.
so main point is to observe closely activities of mind and may be Buddha or it may be osho or j.krishanamurti they will describe you the path of observation.
As i am a follower of sant nikka singh ji.he used to teach Bhagwat Gita.we five devotee used to go at ashram at 3A.m for listing Gita.he was a great saint.he never touched money in his whole day he said to me,"when all will go come to me."when i entered the room he said,"lock the door and take the holy book of Gita"and i did this.
I started to read solakas of Gita of 14th chapter and he explained it one by one briefly.when i red 19th solaka he explained it and after that he said,"It is enough.if you can follow this solaka you will see the truth.there is no need to study further."it is an event of 1982.sant ji died in 1983.In 1986 i red osho and started his dynamic meditation and after i used to sit for two or three hours in observation.and one day i felt that bliss.and after that i i am practicing this is very interesting like a one can imagine that such a beauty lies in human body.It is why shri guru Arjun dev ji explained in Gugubani;ish dehi ku simraha dev,
so dehi bahj har ki save
meaning is that this body is very precious .Angels davi davata[God, Goddess]wants that turn when God will give them turn of human body so that they can realized them self.I described this solaka as my intelligence but words can not describe to bliss.they can only indicate the subject.
Pamlo first sanasin of u.k how lived all her life in Himachall[India]in retreat wrote ;two things are necessary for meditation.
1-Patience and Preservence.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

sattava is upper level,rajasa in middle,thamsa lower

urdham gacchanti sattvahastha,madhya tistanti rajasa,
jaghanyguna vrttisthu,abho gacchanti tamasah---18

Those who establish in goodness rise upwards.The passonate remains in the middle[regions].the dull steeped in the lower occurences of the modes sink downwards.---18
The human body is like a cross road.who stayed in sattav guna[goodness]goes to higher level from human god goddess,angles.But who stays in rajas gunna stays in center as a human being.In lower level guna thamsa goes to levels as plants,stones,devils,etc.this is our state after death as described in gita.
But if we are free from gunas we do not go anywhere but becomes one with the self[God].this is self realization in this body and afte body we remains our formation of body is due to these three gunas.when in human body we realize sat-chit-ananda.this is our destination.

Effect of these three gunas.

sattav sanjayati jnamam,rajas lobah eva ca,
parmadnindra tamaso,bhavato janamama eva ca.--17

From goodness arises knowledge and from passion greed and from dullness arises negligence and error.--17

We can find these characteristics of 'gunas'in ourselves.sometime we remains peaceful,joyful and sometime greedy,our demands[vasnas] arises and sometime dull and lazy.
so this indicates us that we should know what we are.what state of mind is going on in this time.if we can remain aware of that state of mind than we will be able stay in sattav guna and can leave rajasa and tamasah. because for going to state of self realiation[samadhi] we have to cross three gunas,and for this we have to stay more time in sattav guna.from sattav guna we can jump in self not from rajas and thamasa.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Fruit of three gunas

karmanah sukrtasya huh,sattavicam niralam phalam,
rajasas tu phalam dukham,agnanam tamasah phalam.---16

The fruit of good action is said to be of the nature of goodness and pure and while fruit of passion is pain and the fruit of dullness is ignorance.---16
Swami Ram threeth used to say we get that thing which we give.if we give happiness or love than it will comes to us by happiness or love.If we give hate ,anger, jealously to an other than it also return to us one day.
simply meaning of this solaka is that we harvest that crop which we sow.our good karmas leads to our life towards love,happiness,and if we do bad actions that leads us toward wickedness and pain.
so the fruit of good actions is goodness and pure and fruit of passion is pain and fruit of dullness is ignorance.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

if ends a man in passion he reborn on earth.

rajjas pralayam gatwa,karmasangisu jayate,
tatha pralinas tamasi mudhayonisu jayate.--15

If any one dies rajjasguna[passion] as the essence of 'rajasguna'he returns back to this very loka to enjoy or suffer the deeds of previous life because of his undying hunger for the fruit of his karmas.that is why Gita preaches to do karmas but not bother about the fruits.reflecting but tamas being the basest.darkness of karmas all around is reborn among the basest animals and suffer.
But those who have a mix of all these three gunas depending on the ratios may take birth with the difference between a street dog and a dog among the royalty.
at the time of death if one leaves the physical body in the state of 'rajasguna,[passion] then he born in the company company of people who attached to action this rajasguna lies in those people who are mostly effected by worldly affairs.To achieve wealth,property,car,house,children, he born according to his will of passion,in those people who are mostly attached to action.
And if he dies in state of dullness than he goes to lover levels of a ladder of life as animals,birds,devils India we use a phrase,"antaha mata so hi gata".meaning is as we thinks in the time of death there we goes according our deeds of karmas.
So meaning of this solaka is we born in next life as our stste of mind is in last time of death.

effect of sattwa[goodness]in time of death

yada sattva pravarddhe tu,pralayam yati dehabhrt,
tado ttamavidam lokan,amalan pratipadyat.--14

When one leaves this gross body and subtle soul departs in under the influence of sattvaguna[goodness]it reaches to the highest loka called as 'paramloka' witch is the abode of God himself.
According bhagavadgita it is the Gunas at the time of death which establishes death and these after in case of death under the influnce of sattvaguna the soul enters the higher planes which is abode of God.
If at the time of death we were in sattavaguna[goodness] in the state of joy and knowledge we go to heaven upper level of the earth and take the form of davi,davata,[god, goddess.according to gita our last moments effects on our next journey[lives.It is like as if we go to station and take the ticket of that city or when a human changes his subtle body.if he leaves his physical body in the state of sattavaguna in peaceful,joyful knowledgeable state he goes to upper level of the ladder and reborn like an angle,god.goddess. but it will be according life as we have lead.then we will go to heaven,or in a rich family as due to our good deeds.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

About next lives

In Gita it is a vast subject about other realigns did not shed light on this subject.and now a days this opinion is for most in western last year i saw a movie based on Bhagwat gita in u.s.a.It was a story of a young girl who reborn in an other state of was a real story.she describes every event of her previous life.
according to this theory death is the name of leaving the subtle to physical is also narrated in Maharishi Ramana's biography when he was on walk with a devotee.he lay down on a mountain and his subtle body left his physical body.devotee began to weep and his physical body became dark.maharishi was looking this all in his subtle body.but after some time his subtle body entered in his physical body.this is not very uncommon in siddh purshas.
Now what is the effect of these three gunas at the time of death to reborn,we will understand this by 14th solaka.the subtle body is our blue print[seed]to grow in other birth.


aprkkaso parvirti ca,parmado moha eva ca,
tamasy etani jayante,vivrddhe kurunandana--13

Tamasguna[dullness]deprives of enlightenment and makes one do things or actions which arise out of ignorance negligence and lust for basic gratification without the slightest care for morality.lust is supreme and wickedness assist the guna.
There are sines of 'tamas guna'.when these increases a sadhaka should be aware so that this can not defeat him.laziness is like an enemy for a practitioner not for ordinary person.. because by the map of this bhagwat gita we can achieve our aim of self when this quality comes in action unillumination,inactivity,negligence and mere delusion,these rises ,o joy of the kurus[Arjuna],when dullness increases.


aprkkaso parvirti ca,parmado moha eva ca,
tamasy etani jayante,vivrddhe kurunandana--13

Tamasguna[dullness]deprives of enlightenment and makes one do things or actions which arise out of ignorance negligence and lust for basic gratification without the slightest care for morality.lust is supreme and wickedness assist the guna.
There are sines of 'tamas guna'.when these increases a sadhaka should be aware so that this can not defeat him.laziness is like an enemy for a practitioner not for ordinary person.. because by the map of this bhagwat gita we can achieve our aim of self when this quality comes in action unillumination,inactivity,negligence and mere delusion,these rises ,o joy of the kurus[Arjuna],when dullness increases.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

About rajasguna[passion]

Lobhah parvrir arambhah,karmanam asamah sprha
rajasy etani jayante,vivrathe bharatarsabha--12

Lord krishana explained O!Bharta[Arjuna]the singes of of growing of rajas guna when it is at play,greed,inspires activities for self gratification through action.deeds and deep craving to get the fufilment of greed both worldly and passions.this leads to acquiring both physical and mental pleasure.
we can not sit for a while to rest in this time our demands,lust increases.we think we should do this and that for obtaining fruits.we can not satisfied by any thing as car,house,wife,wealth and fame, for this we work hard without rest.when we find these qualities in ourself we should aware of them as an enemy in ourself.


sarvedawarasu dehe swinprakasha upajayate
jnanam yada tada vidyad,vivrddham sattvam ity uta--11

when light starts flowing in all the pores of the body,it is evident that the sattava is getting enhanced and effecting it's true selves.

The light of knowledge can have a full Physical manifestation,than we should think that now 'sattava'is active.we get knowledge of outer things by five sense organs.our gates of body are as eyes, tongue,skin,ears and nose they are sense organs the five are objects as,sight,taste,touch,hearing and smell.
so in the time of happiness,and knowledge we feels peace and calmness.the truth of consciousness is not opposed to expression in matter.the divine can be realized on the physical divinize the human consciousness to bring the light into the physical.To transfer our whole life is the aim of yoga.when our minds are illumined and senses quickened than sattva predominates.

one guna[mode] in front and other two do not work

rajas tamas ca bhibhuya,sattam bahavti bharata,
rajah sattvam tamas cai va,tamah sattvam rajas tatha--10

Although all the modes remains and operate in all human beings yet when one mode operates the other two are remains calm.when sattva operates both rajas and tamaha suppress. correspondingly when rajas operates sattava and thamaha suppress.and so is with tahamah.--10

O Bharata[Arjuna]when sattav gun rise in our mind than tahama and rajas remains in back side of our guna[mode]gives the effect to our mind including to body the other two remains in back.when sattava guna comes it gives its properties as knowledge and pleasure.we enjoy by any spiritual book or by watching our favorite movie or by going to a tour,party meaning is this that we enjoy any pleasure.
our mind functions about any subject of pleasure.when pleasure and knowledge inter in our mind due to any object we should know that quality of sattva is in it's function.we can see rajas and tamas in back without disturbing us.
And when sattava and tamas are in back of our body and mind then we should know that rajas [passion]has enter in our mind.when it is active we attach to worldly things as wealth, property.Rajas meaning your approach exclusively material and pleasure.
when 'Tamaha'comes in our mind and body,it converts us laziness and selfishness.we wants fruit without doing any any work.Dark sides comes in our this time rajas and sattva remains in back of our mind.we forget our aim,what spiritual books and saints guides us.
these three qualities lies in our by witnessing we should check them so that we can come to sattava[goodness]and from sattava we can jump in the self.[samadhi]

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Three mods of life.

sattvam sukhe sanjayati,rajah karmani bharata,
jnassam avarty tu tamash,paramada sanjayaty uta--9

The mod of 'sattva'transent a man to happiness,and knowedge, similarly 'Rajas' one remains in worldly affairs[karmik stage].but last mod tamasa drags one with the lowest form of self.
Goodness attaches one to happiness,passion to action.O! Bharata [Arjuna]but dullness,veiling wisdom attaches to negligence.
Goodness binds us to happiness and we remain in that well as wealth,tour,sex,children,house,car.we could not leave that boundary of sattav guna due to 'Rajas'[passion]we caught up in worldly affairs by the fire of desires,lust we do more and more work for the binds us by work. Tamas set us in negative state.Laziness,ignorance,we forget what should do or not do.It leads us toward wickedness to get the fruit without making effort.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


tamas tv ajnajam viddhi,mohanam sarvadehina
paramadalasyanidrabhis,tan nibadhnati baharat.--8

In this guna our life becomes dull,dark.this is the dark side of our life.we become unable to define what is right and what is wrong.that teaching which our guru or vadas describes we forget this knowledge.vadas explain us and give view to lead a meaningful life.we forget that teaching and began to do works like an ignorant person.we lost the ability for goodness and reaches to a lower level of our life.this is our negative side.
Tamas leads to us laziness,negligence and sleep.when we become lazy we waste our time to reach the goal of enlightenment.there are so many devotees who are well learned and stared with enlightened sages but due to there laziness they neglect that qualities which are necessary.
central idea of this solaka is:Dullness [tamas]know thou is born of ignorance and binds O Baharta [Arjun]by developing the qualities of negligence,indolence,and sleep.

Passion binds us with attachments.

rajo ragatnakam viddhi,trsnasangasamudbhavam,
tan nibahnati kuntey,karamsangana dehinam--7

Passion[rajas]know thou,is the nature of attraction.springing from craving and attachment.It binds fast o! son of kunti[Arjuna],the embodied one by attachment to action.--7
He who wants to become master of his senses of mind,he should aware of his activities of his mind.Because when we see the thief than he runs away.For this we are advised to watch our senses of mind and explore it.If you studied j.krishanamurti,Maharishi Ramana they all advised for observation.
In the time of passion[rajas guna]our mind becomes one with lust,desire,sex,that all called as 'Trishana'in a man in desert becomes upset without water and he feels that at any cost I should find likewise in lust desire sex,we become thirsty to achieve that thing.
Trishana and sangah[combination].at the time of 'Trishana'deeply desire as,lust we want that at any cost we should get thing as a car,we should not want to leave this car for this is our attachment to worldly things.[objects].This guna binds us by karmas.This solaka was about rajas guna[passion].

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

3 gunas (quality)

Of these goodness(satva) being pure,causes illumination and health.It binds o! blameless one by attachment to happiness and by attachment to knowledge.
This 'satvaguna' is pure and illuminates us.We can find it by its qualities.All experiences this happiness and knowledge the mind is so engrossed in this that it does not desire to move beyond but o! blameless (Arjuna) it binds us by joy and knowledge.The quality of satvagun is goodness.When we feel pleasure by any thing a new house,a car,wealth,wife,son then we become happy and we want to stay in such luxuries.Our knowledge also gives us happiness.I know this and that.In such things we create our ego.I am a rich,I am learned,this and that.But for self-realization we have to crone this barrier of satvaguna.
Because we are happy in this guna we do not want to leave happiness we are attached to these things which gives us pleasure in 'rajus guna'(worldly affairs) and in 'tamas' (darkness) we want to leave this conflict but in satvaguna there is no conflict,so we do not want to leave these pleasures because in satva we are near the self it gives light to our mind.But still there are change.It may be of gold but still are change.It binds us in these things and does not come face to face with self.If we want to jump in a canal we have to stand on its edge.Satva is like this.When we jumo we will be one with water so to reach in samadhi (Self-realization) we have to leave the edge of satvaguna.So it binds us with pleasure and knowledge.You have seen so many creatures,scholars they are attache to their wisdom, intelligence.So knowledge of this type binds us.

Three qualities of our body and mind.

sattvam rajas tamas iti,gunah prakrtisambhavah,
nibadhnanti mahabaho,dehe dehinam avyayam.---5

Everybody is tied to a -mod as classified by their nature and effect as sattvic,rajas,tamas.--5
Three gunas[modes] are like this,sattvica,[goodness]Rajas[passion]Tamas[dullness] These mods lies in our body as a part of nature.they are according our previous lives.we can see some people are peaceful,claim by nature,they are from 'sattvic'nature.some are hard worker talkative nature worldly affairs are most important for him.They can not sit for a while.the are from rajas nature.but still there are from tamas nature they are of lazy nature.they do not work hard.they are extremely self centered.
These qualities are of our mind and body. because our body follows our Lord Krishana describes these three mods because after knowing them we can find the way to self realization.

My nature is mother and I am father how casts seed

sarvayonisu kaunteya murtayah sambhavanti yah,
tasam brahama mahad yonir,aham bijapradah pita.--4

whatever forms are produced in any wombs whatsoever,O son of kunti [Arjuna]Great Bhrahma is there womb and I am the father who casts the seeds.
Parkarti[nature]is the mother and God is the father of all living parkirti is also is the nature of GODis the father and mother of the universe.he is the seed and womb of the universe.The spirit of God fertilizes our lives and makes them what God want them to be.The one who follows the path of to righteousness gets involved in all things pass through the world as lotus remains untouched in the water.

Nature is my womb where i cast seed.

sarvayonisu kaunteya,murtayah sambhavanti,yah,
tasam brahma mahad yonir,aham bijapradah pita.-3

Great Braham[parkirti]is my womb in which I cast the seed and from it is the birth of all beings.O! Bharta[Arjuna].-3
If we were merely product of nature than we could not attain the life eternal.The verse affirms that all existence is a manifestation of divine.he is the cosmic seed.With reference to this world,he becomes 'Hiranyagarbha'the cosmic soul.
Shankrachara said,"I unite 'Shatra'with kshatraya giving birth to hiranyagarbha hence to all beings".The Lord is the father who deposits in the womb.which is not the self,the seed which is essential life thus causing the birth of every individual.the world is the play of the infinite on the finite.
The Lord describes that being Bhrama[super soul]himself and the universe being his womb.he provided with the seeds of creation by himself.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

After attaining me no cycle of birth and death.

idam jnanam upasritya,mama,sadharmyam agatah,

sarge pi no pajayante,paralaye na vyathanti ca.--2

By attaining the disincentive knowledge and complete realization of me exempts the being of rebirth since he has no fear of repeated birth at the time of creation and dissolution of the universe.
After knowing the juana[knowledge]sages not ordinary human becomes self realized and they never born in the time of creation and never disturbed at the time of dissolution.according to Hindu scriptures there are two times,one is beginning of creatures it is called as'utpati'and second is dissolution it is called as 'paralha'.in the time of 'parlaha' every thing finishes.creatures reborn at the time of creation.'utpathi'.in the time of dissolution every creature loses its physical form but not its subtle remains as a blue print of the the time of creation it seeds of grass reborn on next season.But self realized souls are one with the universe self[God].It is like a stream which dissolves with the ocean.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Chapter-14th.The highest knowledge.

param ghuyah pravaksyami,jnananm,jnanam uttamam,

yaj jantva munayah sarve,param siddhim ito gotoh.---1

The Lord Krishana said,"I shall again ravel to you that knowledge regarding the supreme soul by knowing which the wise saints attained freedom from cycle of birth and death.
This chapter of Gita is the highest knowledge which can liberate any human this is supreme.The very roots of buddha's vippasana comes from this chapter. because gita is a work of the ancient knowledge.Dr Radhakrishana [former prime minister of India]wrote and he compared solakas of gita and vadas.his view is that this is work for a human to find his real nature[self]which has described in vads.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

who knows different knower and known he is wise.

Ksetraksetrajnayor evam,antaram jnanacksusa,

bhutaprakrtimpksam ca,ye vidur yanti te param.--33

Those wise minds who understand fully the doer and the deeds.and difference between Field and knower of the field along with their harmonious unity attains salvation.
It is clear in this chapter that who knows difference between nature and self or field and knower of the field he is wise,enlightened,self realized.these words are different but meaning is the same.he has attains his goal.the main problem is this we identify ourselves with body and mind.we do not know that we pure self[sat chit ananda]we come to know this difference in deep meditation.This is a real map of 13chapter in our hand and we can go on journey of the guru st nikka singh ji used to say this chapter is very important.if you can follow this chapter you will easily find your goal of self-realization.

This is the 13th chapter entitled the yoga of the distinction between the field and the knower of the field.

sun gives light to universe like self to body.

yatha,parkasayaty ekha,krsnam lokam imam ravih,
ksetram ksetri thatha krtsnam,parkasayati,bharat.--32

As all the light that illuminates the universe comes out of Sun,in the same manner all so souls are sourced from the super- soul.
As only one sun is giving light and heat to the universe,likewise our self which we can not see due to subtle gives energy to body,mind, intellect to do the force of self our body is doing its actions.

Beyond beginning and end.

yatha sarvagatam sauksmyad,akasam,no 'palipyate,
sarvatrd vasthito dehe,tatha tma no palipyate.--31

Being unattached to any deed done by the body and maintaining that imperishable non participatory stanch the soul maintains the Independence from all deeds and thoughts,thus remaining like the open sky.
As ether is everywhere,there is not any thing like earth,star,planet,which does not exist in the sky.we heard about five elements of nature as,earth,water,air,fire and sky.
Sky is subtler than other elements,from solid to subtle are like this earth,water,fire,air and sky.every thing takes shape[form]in the sky and ends in sky[space].because it is subtler than other elements.they depends on it.likewise our soul is subtler than other elements,and it does not depend on other has not form,color,etc.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Self is within all things

anaditvan nirgunatvati,parmatama,yam avyayah
sarirastho pi kaunteya,na karoti na lipyate.--30
Being beyond beginning and end this self[super being],the one with resides within yet keeps oneself untainted by the karmas and remains neutral
Oh![Arjuna]son of point strikes in my mind,no doubt in those days when gita was written people regards the mother too much. Because Arjuna was son of king Pandwa.but still here is the name of mother of Arjuna, we can see the regard of a lady.
The meaning of this solaka is oh!Arjuna son of kunti this self is imperishable.without beginning and without end.which thing begins it will come to an and one day.But self is beginning it has no has not beginning and end.
It has no qualities as long,short,red or blue.our mind imagine the objects.but our self is beyond from these qualities.our self dwells in our body.It supports our mind,sense organs,intellect like electricity,it is necessary for our body to move but still it is unmovable.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

everything is centred in one.

yada bhutaprthagbhavam,ekastham anupasyati,
tata eva ca vistaram,brahma sampadyate tada.--29

When he sees that the manifold state of beings is centered in the one and from just that it spreads out,then he attains Brahaman.
When one sees that everything our deeds,our feelings,emotions,are centered in self.we are as extension of the super soul.he becomes the witness these actions of body,mind.beacuse they are sent by nature according our karmas[deeds]. Because of this conviction one becomes merely a watcher not participate to all the actions of nature.rather one treats oneself a cosmic manifestation of the super soul.
There is a story of unglimal in Buddha scriptures.he was a robber.he swore to kill 1000 people.he met Buddha in a he became his follower and get enlightened.Buddha sent him in a village to get alms.when people of the village saw him they threw stones on him.but he became silent and did not respond.they killed him.he remained in witnessing.when other Bhksus ask Buddha where he has gon.Buddha said,"my son go no anywhere.he gets enlightened."

nature is doer not self.

parkarti 'va ca karmani,kiryamanani sarvasah,
yah pasyati tatha tmanam,akartaram,sa pasyati.--28

He who sees that all actions are done only by nature[parkarti]and likewise that the self is not the doer,he verily sees.
All actions of our life are pre-planed.according to astrology this is not is based upon nature's logical conclusion are bound by our previous and present karmas[deeds].that is why planets shed effect on our lives.what we read or write,go to any part of earth,our relationship,our well being,become rich or poor all related to our past lives.our faith is product of field[shetrah]depending upon the seed sown.
But who knows that our self is not doer but he sees of our all actions of body,mind,sense organs[only witness]he sees right.and he also knows that i am is self.seer not seen.witness not witnessed.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Beyond illusion

smam pa s'ya hi sarvatama,samavasthitam isvaram,
na hinsty atamana tmanam,tato yati param gatim.---28
for as he sees the lord present,equally everywhere he does not injure his true self by his self and then he attains to supreme goal.
The main cause of our pleasure and pain is due to illusion as vadanta describes.we identify ourself with body and mind,sense organs.we do not know that we are pure self.this whole chapter about knowledge is describing this.this is the reasion of our depression confusion.
when we comes out of this little shell of'I'which is ego,and is false,then we come face to face with self.this removal of false identification is maharishi Ramana told that our true picture remains out of our touch.and we can not come to know our being.But by deep meditation when 'i'thought perishes,than another 'I'springs forth as the heart ' is Existence in all its fullness.
And when we achieve our goal the life becomes so beautiful,calm,and meaningful otherwise we will remain upset,and confused.we becomes like a flower which emits perfume everywhere.our negative notions get convert in supreme self. truly our negative energy like lust,greed,sex,anger convert[TRANSFER]in Bliss.The Lord present everywhere,how will we do this?by self we can find self.Guru and scriptures will show the path,but we should work hard for this.

Friday, May 7, 2010

who sees self in every thing he becomes self.

samam sarvesu bhutesu,tisthantam,paramesvaram,
vinasyatsv avinasyantam,yah pasyati sa pasyati.--26
He who sees the supreme Lord abiding equally in all beings,never perishing when they perish,he,verily,sees.he who sees the universal spirit in all things,sees and becomes himself universal.
Every thing in universal is going to an end.every human or bird,animal which born goes toward gurubani there are so many examples,like a race of roof.or a girl of young age who is going to marry and leave the house of his father.or like a guest who has to leave the house.every thing in this world comes and goes.Like this plants,stones,mountains.There is a circle of everything like a wheel.that is why Hindus says to world 'Chakara' meaning wheel.but who knows this 'Parmaswarha'[God]is not comes to an end.He is wise,he sees the truth.
This is the wisdom of an enlightened one.He has reached to his goal.he sees self in every thing.he remains in his blissful state.he is formless being.he knows that body will end but not his sight every thing is God'play.whose wisdom is like this he is wise.he has reached to his goal.
I red the story of Maharishi Ramana when secondly Paul brunten reached to his Ashram to be a disciple .two or three times brountan requested him but the sage did not speak remained silent.Brontun confused and said,"will you not accept me as a follower?".sage spoke in soft voice,"because in the sight of guru there is no difference between Guru and follower.but according disciple's view it may be so."

Naughty Krishna

Lord Krishna with the flute

Lovely Picture

Thursday, May 6, 2010

every thing is union of self and nature.

yavat samjayate kimcit,sattvam stharajangamam,
ksetraksetrajnasmyogat,tad viddhi bharatarsa.--25
whatever being is born moving or unmoving,know thou,o best of Bharatas[arjuna].that it is [sprung]through the union of the field and the knower of the field.
There are two types of every thing on this earth.they are divided in two parts by Indian are movable they are called jangama[movable]like human,animals,creators.other unmovable as mountains,trees etc.they are called as'sthwara'The creation of the two is from field and knower of the field.

path of worship

anye to evam ajanantha,shurtva nyebhya,upaste,
te pi ca titaranty eva,mrtyum surtiprayanah.---24
yet others ignorant of this[theses paths of yoga]hearing from others worship;and they too cross beyond death by their devotion to what they have heard.
But there are others also who are not perfect for three yogas.they are not fit for upper category s,meditation, knowledge and karam yoga.but they are still devotees of ignorant type.but still they are interested in God.they hear about me from enlightened saints and do practice according them.they are still ignorant but they loves me so i am savior of them.I free them from the cycle of birth and death.'Shurti' is a part of vadas which part is written in vadas for hearing of devotee.this part student hear from juanis[enlightened ones].second part is 'simirti'it should be memorize by devotee.

krishna picture....I like it

Different roads to salvation.

dhyanend tmani pasyanti,kecid atmanam atmand,
anye samkhyena yogena,karmayogena ca pare.--23
By meditation some perceive the self in the self by the self;others by the path of knowledge and still others by the path of works.
There are three methods lord krishana described in this solaka. fruitesome reaches the goal of self realization.once this dawn is followed by observing the very heart in which he is realized and to constantly reaming in his company the process of observing through begins.through this all unwanted thoughts element-ed.only hold upon on one thought for achieving oneness with the supreme soul.this is for those who have reached to higher levels.they found the self in there hearts.when mind becomes silent[empty] it fills with bliss.we can not explain that stage but only we can indicate it.that is why sages says nati nati nati.[after describing they says we can not explain!we can't].
Second method is of 'Bhakti'[devotion]we surrender to guru or God and do service of the mankind,every being thus method our darkness of mind vanishes and we will be able for meditation.
Third is karamyoga in this method we do works heartily but leaves the fruit of it.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

oneness with self

ya evam vetti purshaam,parkrtim ca gunaih saha.
sarvatha vartamano pi,na sa,bhuyo bhijayate.-22
He who thus knows soul[pursha]and nature[parkartim] together with the modes though he acts in every way.he will not be born again.
Pursham[knower of the field]and parkirtim[nature]Field are one.pursham[knower of the field] never born or dies.but he enjoy manifests with us.he who knows the difference between both[knower and known]he is enlightened [self realized]juani.enlightened soul only could be able to know between these separate things.he knows that I am is only witnessing not witnessed.knower but not known.This is the formula of vadanta as saint explains us.which thing we can see that is nature[field].as we can see,our body,mind, activities of body mind, intellect so we[seer]is self.we can see our pleasure,our pain every thing of field[nature]is in our sight.He who knows the difference he never takes the birth. because he has realized the truth[self].now there is not any duty on him.after the death of his body he do not takes birth.his wheel of karmas ends now.his true picture is in his front.false illusion of'i am body]has gown.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Witness in body is god.

updrasta numanta ca,bharta bhokta mahesvarah
paramatma ti ca py ukto,dehe smin purusah parah.--21
The supreme spirit in body is said to be the witness,the permitter,the supporter the Experiencer,the great lord and the supreme self.
'Updrasta'witnessing in this body.there is someone in our body who watches every action of our body,mind, senses that is our being.First quality is of witness.
Here are six characters of the self.
1='updrasta' witnessing.there is someone who knows our every action of mind, intellect,body,sense organs.
2:'unumanta' there is someone who gives us true gaudiness it is also the characters
3:'Bharta' he gives light to our field[as described in 13th chapter]
4:'Bhogta' as jiva,it is still self,but due to identify with body,mind,it becomes jiva.
5:Mhaswarah' It is the great God,our self is god.
6;'psrmatma'it is supreme atma.[self]
so such god where lives? answer is in this body.this is an important solaka of guru st nikka singh ji used to say if you can follow this solaka ,no any thing remains should know that you are'Drasta'[witness]not 'dresha'witnessed
you are knower not are witness not witnessed.we described briefly in this chapter.we described in this chapter,you can see your acticties of your body,mind,intellect and sense organs.every thing is changeable except witnessing.Three stages of the body,childhood,youth,old age,but witness remains we comes to 24 hours three stages as vadanta describes it jagrit[awakening],suvpon[dreams],susuvti[deep sleep].every thing comes and goes but your witnessing remains same in every stage.
Anumanta:He gives us true guidance some times you have noticed it.thus when we can not solve our problems and get confused.sudden a true guidance comes from withen and we say it inner voice of my heart.that is also his quality of the self.he indicates us but it is upon us we agree with it or not.if our heart is pure this voice is stronger in time of meditation,devotion it comes most to us.
Bharta:the word bharta is used for husband in India. because he is our master,creator,and supporter.By his existence our body and mind.just as light comes lights,fans every electric instrument began to do function and without it everything is by his existence we performs our works as in the presence of magnet steel needles began to move,so he is our life.
Bhogta:There is a 'jiva'mind+self,which exists as'I'in our hearts.but this is not is called as mind which is illusion.this is 'bhogta'.it identifies with body,mind,as I.when we dies it takes our blue print of all deeds,and takes a new is our seed to next doubt it is 'Bharam'but due to illusion it becomes mind.
Mahaishawarha:It is also supreme God.of such qualities ,he is in our hearts we can find in our body in human form.that is why Indian sages says that body of human is grace period meeting with him.we can get enlightened in this form.
The supreme soul,the knower is beyond rebirth since he is constant.It is the field or 'Parkirti'which is ever evolving through birth and death.But in all forms it is the supreme soul which resides in every being.By merely excepting this truth and living by the guidance of the supreme being one is absolved from the cycle of life and death.

self and nature

karya karana kartrtve,hetuh parkrtir ucyate
purshah sukhaduhkhanam,bhoktrrve hetur ucyate.---20
Nature is said to be the cause of effect,instrument and agent[ness]and the soul is said to be the cause,in regard to the experience of pleasure and pain.
Because our minds stay in parkrti[nature]as a part of it in this visible our mind 'jivatma'come into existence through the union of parkarti[nature]with substantiate the physical part but is still incomplete unless the 'jiva'attains union with it.the blend of nature and spirit manifests itself as mind.which experiences pleasure and pain and distinguish between what is and what is not thus creating all the turmoil within.But when by meditation our mind leaves the name and forms it takes the shape of sat-chit-ananda[truth-consciousness-bliss].that is why every enlightened soul like maharishi ramana j.krishanamurti shows the way of a little book by maharishi ramana is wrtten like this.then maharishi was in samadhi in virupaksh cave.he did not speak.he wrote an answer to shivaprkasham pillani.he reached in 1902 on official work.
Q:what is the nature of mind?.-Ans;What is called'mind'is a wondrous power residing in the causes all thoughts to arise.apart from thoughts there is no such thing as mind. therefore thought is the nature of the mind.apart from thoughts there is no independent entity called the deep sleep there are not thoughts and is not world the state of walking and dream ,there are thoughts and there is world also.just as the spider emits the thread out of itself and again withdraws it into itself and again resolves it into itself.when the mind,comes out of the self,the world appears.therefore when the world appeaser to be real the self does not appear.when one persistently inquires into the nature of mind,the mind will end leaving the self[Atma]as the reside.what is referred to as the self is[Atma].the mind always exists only in dependents on something can not stay is the mind that is called the subtle body or soul[jiva]This jiva is leaves the body and again takes an other body by birth.our good and bad deeds [karmas]according our balance sheet which we done in this life.if our balance sheet which we done in this life is of good deeds[karmas]we will take the body of an angle;davi or devta.and after our period in heaven we comes back to human form.but if our deeds are bad according our balance sheet then we takes the form of a devil.and when the period of our punishment ends we comes to human form.and if our karmas[deeds]are some good and some bad than we take the form of a human.
But if we get enlightened in our human form then we becomes one with our real nature[self]so there are four ways leads to angles,devils,human,and be one with our this stage Indian sages used to say,'AHUMBRHSMI" meaning i am this human body has great is the time of sowing seeds.that is why human body is called'shatra'meaning in field we reap the fruite what we has sown and also ged self.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Nature and spirit.

parkrtim purusam cai va,viddhy anadi ubhav api,
vikarams ca gunams cai va,viddhi prakrtisambhavan.--19
Know thou that parkrti[nature]and pursha[soul]are both beginningless;and know also that the forms and modes are born of prakrti[nature].
These two forms 'parkirti'[nature]and pursha are beginningless.this formation of universe is of five elements as Earth,water,air,fire and space.that is called elements of parkirti[nature]our body is also formation of thhese elements.we should consider as known.that is called as parkirti.[nature]we can not create it nor destroyed.but 'pursha'.but knower of the field is our is one in all beings.this formation of every thing is from these two elements 'parkrti'and'pursha'.simply meaning parkrti[field]and pursha[knower of the field].
through possession of the two nature and soul,Ishvra causes the origin, preservation and and dissolution of the universe.

Friday, April 23, 2010

My devotee will know such knowledge

iti ksetram tatha jnanam,jneyam co ktam samasatah
madhakta etad vijnaya,madbhavayo papadyate.--18
Thus the field also knowledge,and objects of knowldge have been 'Bhagat'[devotee] who understands thus becomes worthy of my state.
Thus what is field[known]like our body,sense organs,mind,intellect and after that what is supports to knowledge is described as non-violence,patience ect and also about 'juana' knowledge,knower of the field is describedit is the supreme knowledge,precision work of vadanta which is written in vadas.
Now the solaka indicates us who is eligible for such a knowledge?" my bhagat[my devotee]" Lord krishana said.because my devotee has trust in me[God].he is wise to see the world as illusion.becuse we are not going to live every day we are going this play.Hindus thinks this world is like a play[game].we are actors here not permanent.permanent is 'shakshi'[knower of the field, witness]

Monday, April 19, 2010

He is light of lights.

jyotisamsam api taj jyotis,tamasah param ucyate,
jnanam jneyam jnanagamyam hrdi sarvasya dhisthitam.--17
He is light of lights,said to be beyond darkness,Knowledge,the object of knowledge and the goal of knowledge-he is seated in hearts of all.
Every source of light like sun,stars,takes light from from the supreme because these are creations of god.He is crater of all beings.The light of sun,moon,etc,takes place from that.He is said to be beyond darkness.
jnanam[knowledge]--that which is described in Gita before in 7th solaka as absence of pride,non-violence,patience that which has to be known is called'jneyam and when we find it in our hearts in self is called 'jnanagamyam'.
First of all we hear about that supreme and according to upnisdas we start to maintain these qualities within patience non-violence is first a theory but when our interest expands then we becomes eager for practical.and when our effort becomes enough we find in our heart[BLISS].To achieve this we should do work hard in maharishi described what is the use of knowing other thing without knowing ourselves.

self is undivided yet seems divided

anibhaktam ca bhutesu,unbhaktam iva ca sthitam,
bhutabharir, ca taj jneyam,grasisnu,prabhavisnu ca.--16
He is undivided and he seems to be divided among beings.He is to be known as supporting creatures,destroying them afresh.
He is indivisible constant consistent. what we do,that our every action takes place in his space.if we goes to office,without space how can we go?if we built a new house,a factory,for this we needs space.we thinks this is our room.but before room there was space,where we sit,sleep,eat that is also a space of this room.but if we destroy that room then there will be the same is in dividable but but it looks this existence of our body is in him.if body will comes to an end not god that is supporting to our body.
These three things he never gives to any other,he do it himself.our birth,our death,our remains in his hands every he is to be known as supporting creatures destroying them and creating them fresh.--16

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Self is within all things

Bahir antas ca bhutanam,acaram caram eva ca,
suksmatvat tad avijneyam,durastham ca ntike ca tat.--15he is without and withen all beings.he is unmoving as also moving.he is too subtle to be known.he is far away and yet is he near.
The meaning of this solaka is simple and according last solaka.There is not any place where his existence is not.He is everywhere and knows everything.
He is unmoving and also moving.In realty we can not define him as as this is a book. Because he is subtle .our sense organs are very subtle but he is subtler from that it is called subtler to we hear a crow is crowing.and that very voice fells upon our mind.but knower knows to this image of crowing on our mind.he knows our past lives and future lives also.Like an axle of a wheel,we can see wheel moving but can not see axle moving.but without axle wheel can not move. likewise we can not do anything without him.He is without Gunas[disposition of parkrti] and yet enjoying.

self is like cinema scream

asaktam sarvabhrc caii va,nirgunam gunabhoktr ca.--14
He appears to have the qualities of all the senses and yet is without any of the senses,unattached and yet supporting all free from the [gunas] dispositions of parkriti.and yet enjoying them.
He is knower of our senses.just when we saw a figure,that image catches our mind.but there is someone who sees[knows]of that figure on our mind.this applies on our sense organs touch,hearing,smell and taste.but he[knower]knows of that objects on our mind.but he remains separate from that,name and forms which appears on our mind.
Maharishi Ramana used to say,"our self is like a cinema scream where figures comes and goes but it remains separate from that .we should remove these figures by the practice of 'HOW AM I.'Simply we can say.this study of scriptures is like to know the theory but to know the knower we should apply the method of meditation without any figure.

Monday, April 12, 2010

God is everywhere

sarvatatahsrutimal,loke,sarvam avrvam avrtya tisthati.--13
With his hands and feet everywhere,with eyes,heads and faces on all sides,with ears on all sides,he dwells in the world,enveloping all.--13
There is no any place where God is not.every thing is created by him.He is our crater,our good and bad actions takes place by him.He can hear every feeling of our mind.any emotion judged by him.He knows our awakening[jagrit] dream[swapan]and deep sleep[shsupti].he is ultimate judge to bestow rewards or punishment for our good and evil deeds.If Favorable he rewards us with wisdom,if unhappy he turns that wisdom towards opposite.
So meaning of this sloka is according our our requirements that we can not see his hands.they are not visible but we can feel them when his hands saves us in a terrible trouble everywhere.he can see every action of our body,

Sunday, April 11, 2010

I will describe eternal knowldge

jneyam yat tat pravaksyami,yaj jnatva mrtam asnute,
anadimat param brahma,na sat tan na sad ucyate.----12
I will describe that which is to be known and by knowing which life eternal is gained.It is the supreme brahman who is beginningless and who is called neither existent nor non -existent.
Lord krishana said i will describe that which is to be known and by knowing which life eternal is gained.This indicates to Bhramn which is our eternal life.I will explain this.By knowing this every thing we can know.we can say that without knowing this what is the use of knowing anything?So lord said these words. because every thing looks false,illusion after self becomes blissful and beautiful.we need not to go in five star hotel or to art gallery everything becomes like heaven even a dew drop.there are stories of saints and buddha`s Bikhus after getting enlightened they did not speak but remained silent.and if we realize it birth and death happen to be outward events which do not touch the events of the self.
Self is beginning less,it is infinite,it has no boundary.our universe is in the self[Atama]

Constancy in the knowledge of the spirit.

tattvajnarthadarsanam,etaj jnanam iti proktam,ajnanam yad ato 'nyatha--11

Constancy in the knowledge of the spirit.insight into the end of the knowledge of truth-this is declared to be[true]knowledge and all that is different from it is non knowledge.
It is clear from this list that jnana or knowledge includes the practice of the moral virtues not mealy theoretical learning.this type of knowledge is necessary
only study of spiritual books not enough.Because the jauna knowledge is internal.we have to reach in bliss.maharishi used to say that I studied books many years after my enlightenment.than I came to know that books are describing what I have experienced.

Saturday, April 10, 2010


mayi ca nanyayogena,bhaktir bhicariniavya ,
vivktadesasevitvam,aratir janasamsadi.
Unswerving devotion to me with wholehearted discipline
,resort to solitary places,dislike for a crowd of people.
Concentration of mind is very necessary for devotion.if you concentrate on any figure as Rama,Krishana, Jesus,Nank or any other god,your mind should constantly be on that is the secret.when your devotion becomes stroner you can see the magic of this.your mind start to become cool and smooth beacuse you do not give room to other any worldly will be astonish that your wishes start getting fulfiled without ever asking.
In Gita shri krishna said,"If any body devote on any God or Goddess i fulfill his desire because by that God or Goddess he is devoting to me."
Second method is of is higher have come on yourself.but it is necessary.As Buddha`s cousin said time,"Many Bikhshus get enlightend,and they came after me,but why i am not".Buddha said,"you will get enlightened after my death because you are much attached to my body.when my figure will disappear than you will".and that was right after his death that very night ananda get enlightened.because in meditation we have to leave the figure and name.[roopa,name]What we do in meditation?we delete our thoughts by observation.and when thoughts decreases meditation can find the way.
For theses both methods rowdy places are not much better.So Baghwan guides us that it will be better to live in lap of nature on any mountain,fall side of a River.we can see in ourselves that our mind automatically feels easy in such places.

Our attachments are our chains

our attachments are our chains which binds us to things like,home,car,furniture,son,wife,family etc.We have no problem by these things but when we attached to these things they becomes our chains.
If we want to fly in the sky we should leave the earth.This is our problem we do not want to detach from these things.for getting a new birth the old must Bullaha shaha was a sufi st.he was planting nursery.A man came there and said,"st how can we find Allha? he said it is very simple.uproot a plant from one field and sow it in the other field.Likewise uproot to mind from worldly affairs and you can sow in the allhas[God] field.
Jesus said where will be our wealth automatically our mind will go there.In prayer or in meditation mind used to roaming here and there.we can see in our hearts that we are attached to these worldly things so thoughts like this type how can stop? inconsistency does not lies in that worldly affairs but whiten ourselves.
There is a word in sanskrit eashtanisht,[desirable and undesirable}.we wants desirable will come but undesirable will not come.but our body is according our deeds of previous deeds.they both will come in there time. because our body is as a field.what we had sown we will reap.But by devotion and meditation we can remain peacefully.we can see lives of many saints in every religion.

Thursday, April 8, 2010


Thich nhat hanh said somewhere that mindfulness is like an elder pick his finger and you are protected if we are aware of anger, jealously,confusion than we can get rid of it.we have not do anything just to be aware of your thoughts,feelings,emotions.
we should imply vivakha,that this life will come to an end one day.and there is suffering in Death,birth,old age,sickness.we can not delay these why we bothered.
To enter in the light darkness is necessary.To enter in a new dimension negative side is essential.our negative side as old age, depression,confusion,anger are that we can take jump from the perception of the evil as,sickness,birth, are necessary.
asaktir anabhisvangah,putradaragrhadisu,nityam ca samacittatvam,istanistopapattisu.--9
Non attachment,absence of clinging to son,wife,,home,and like and constant equal-mindednss to all desirable and undesirable happenings.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


indifference to the objects of sense.Self effacement and perception of the evil of birth,death,old age,sickness,and pain.--8 solaka
indriyarthesu vairagyam,
anahamkara eva ca,
duhkhadosanudarsanam.--8 solaka
The meaning of this solaka is to live in this world but do not remain attached to the world.we should live a ego less life.The meaning of ego is that we do not know that we are separate from these visible elements such as body,mind,sense organs.we becomes one with these elements of field and do not know that we are knower of the field.If we becomes shakshi[witness] of these elements,than we will remain separate from the field.that is why j.krishanamurti used to say that observe every time to your mind,body,and activities.thus we can realize that blissful state,which is beyond these natural things[Field].j.said,"very observation is action".
But in vadanta we should practice for to separate real[knower of the field]and field.that is called vivakha.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010


If we can not sit for a long time how can we achieve our goal in meditation.yogis in India says that are impurities in our bodies which get discharged.Through exercises and yoga we can clean our body.this is a natural system. second step is mental yoga.By observation we can decrease our thoughts and increase our meditation and can achieve bliss[sat-chit-ananda].
Steadfastness--we can achieve stillness of mind by practice.Lord krishana said in Gita that we can achieve this stat by giving-up worldly desires and by long practice.
Self control-If our body,our sense objects are controlled than what remains left.Kings and dictators wants to control on other countries and people but they can not can control themselves.
Whatever routine method is adopted should remain consistently followed and remain in practice throwout.Distracted and withdrawn from all the feelings senses of pleasure and pain irrespective of wherever he lives.


Non violence-It is not to create problem for others,rather help them to solve it.
Patience-It is a very good formula for peacefully life.If we delay anger and do not response,we can see that quarrel comes to an end.Buddha said that patience is the highest form of asceticism and through it one can reach nirvana.for monks and nuns there are four qualities of patience and tolerance to maintain.
1-If someone pushes you around,you should be tolerant patient.
2-If someone shows anger to you,you should not respond with anger.
3-If someone embarrass and insult you,you should not answer back.
4-If someone hits you,you should not strike back.
Uprightness service to the teacher-In ordinary life we see that if we want to be a good mechanic we should join the institute of a learned person.we can not take more of his ability if we does not regard him.But here is not an ordinary teacher he is Guru[an enlightened soul.So if we serve him heartily.than we will be able to get more and more.we should surrender him so that he can fill our empty vessel.
Purity of physical body and mind-We should clean our body.we are going to meet God,and vehicle is our body.we should look after it by yoga exercises,music,dance so that we can fit our body for meditation.


amanitvam adambhitvam,ahimsa ksantir arjavam
acharyopasanam saucam,sithairyam atmavinigraham.--7
Humility[absence of pride],integrity[absence of deceit],non-violence,patience,uprightness,service of the teacher,purity[of body and mind],steadfastness and self control.
these are main factors illegibility for knowledge.
Humility[absence of pride]--Gita teaches to avoid living with such vanity.every type of wars, quarrel, disputes,comes from can see destruction from centuries by can see Hitlers,Changez khans,Alexenders,comes from it.Quarrel in a street and in a home,it may be in husband and wife or dad and son .The root cause of this is our ego.So our saints,it may be Jesus,Nanak,Krishana,they all tried to escape us from it.
Void of vanity[absence of deceit]--We always try to show people this and that.I am superior of all.I have a lot of money or property.I have a lot of knowledge.I am wise.We all wants to sit on the upper level of the ladder.
Non violence

Monday, March 29, 2010

Elements of the field

mahabhutany ahamkaro buddhhir avyaktam eva ca,
indriyani dasai kam ca,panca ce ndriyagocarah.--5
iccha dvesh sukkam dukhume,sangath,chatana dhrti,
etat ksetram samasena,savikaram udahrtam.---6
He bestows to the field five sense organs nose, tongue,eyers,eyes,and skin to gratify,smell,taste,sight,hearing,and smell.Further more to make the field active and perform various deeds he gave organs like hands,legs tongue and to complete the functional field.I added,wisdom,intellect,mind. desires, enmity,joy and pain.Physical body, conscious all these when exits together form.this all is called as field.
the ego means that sum total of these elements we think like 'I'.we do not know that we are 'BHRAMN'.THIS IS DUE TO ILLUSION.we identify with this as i.we do not know that we are knower of the field.[WITNESS].but this experience is of to realize this we should know ourselves.these words from maharishi Ramana,"So long as one thinks he has a fofm,the world and god too have forms.when one is the formless self,who is there to see?it is itself the eye,complete limitless.

saints sung songs on this subject

rishes bahudha gitam chandobhir vividhaih prithak
brahmasutrapadas cai va hetumadbhir viniscitaih.==[4]
This has been described many a times by our ancient saints[Rishies].in various forms even much before the Gita was written.And this is incorporated in details even in vadanta.this definably and clear knowledge is confined in brhamsutra as well.
Truly speaking,as and when someone attains that sup ritual experience he would sing and dance, experience that bliss.It is like inviting others to share that ecstasy.this extra ordinary joy automatically becomes poetic in expression.

Saturday, March 27, 2010


But in deep sleep you know nothing but feels anandha[bliss].you says in the morning i slept very well.i do not know in deep sleep your body,mind,sense organs were slept but not observer.but there was not observer and observed.they were one.this is like samadhi.the difference between deep sleep and samadhi is only that in deep sleep you were not aware due to illusion.but in samadhi you know the bliss[self]. because ther was not watcher and watched,observer and observed.In biography of j.krishanamurti by mery lutyen ,she explained that when krishanamurti used to say in his speeches "observer is observed".It was very difficult for me to described.this is the feeling of samadhi when there remains nothing only bliss.words can not describe see knower and known never meets when meets there is bliss,silence.
Likewise there are three stages of a human.childhood,youth and old age.the body will change,in every stage.our mind will change sense organs will change but not seer[knower].Field will change but not knower of the field.
So lord krishana describes us that who knows the difference between field and knower of the field,he is wise he is juani,according my views.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Field and knower of the field

Now lord krishana describes you know 'me' not body but ultimately truth and you are also 'That'but due to illusion you do not know.Lord krishana says that the knowledge of the field and knower of the field is real knowledge according my views.As has been suggested by Lord Krishana.
You can see in yourself.Suppose you are running.your breath is very fast,your legs and body is tired.but you can see in yourself Someone who knows of the breathing and are studying but there is someone who knows of all your activities of studying.
There are three stages in 24hours.Vdanta called it jagrit[awakening]suvpon[dream]and suspti[deep sleep].There is someone who knows to the activities of your says to day my body is in awakening some part of you knows everything.
second is went to sleep.your eyes were closed.but there was someone which did not sleep.In morning you describe like this.i saw a lion in my dream.I saw a big house at night.the dream was according to your tendencies.but there is someone who describes in the morning.

Field and knower of the field

We have to learn about field and knower of the guru st nikka singh ji used to say that this chapter of Geeta is very important.we must learn about this subject.
He used to say that you are self,Atma but you identify yourself with with body,mind, intellect sense organs.this is our habit from beginning that we identify with these things.This is called in the language of vadanta 'TDATMA'.you say i do this and that.I am sad ,i am happy but you do not know that mind is sad and the 'I'is the watcher of sadness and happiness.
You can see in yourself that there is someone which remains separate from this whole business. activities of the body,activities of the mind activities of sense organs,which is changeable that all is described as known.but which remains unchangeable that is your self, 24hours our body and mind,intellect sense organs are changeable but not the seer.that which is changeable is called ksetram[field,known].As in the field we sow seed and after some time we harvest it.likewise in this body we sow seeds of our karmas[deeds].Good deeds gives us good fruits and bad actions bad fruits.this according to our past lives and in this life.we becomes rich poor,happy,unhappy according these deeds.So this body is 'ksetram'[field].but one thing more who knows the field,knower of the field that is called ksetrajna your self.that is one in all beings.that is our master,god self as you like to lord krishana describes you know 'me'not body but ultimately truth and you also are'that'but you do not know due to illusion .Lord krishana says that that the knowledge of the knower of the field and the field is real knowledge according my my has been suggested by lord krishana-continue

Friday, March 19, 2010

Geeta chapter--13 solak-2 ksetrajnam ca pi mam viddhi sarvakseetresu bharat.ksetrakseajnayor jnanam yat taj jnanam matam mama.---know me as the knower of the Field,O arjana the knowledge of the field and its knower,do i regard as true knowledge.--Now in these days"vippasan" meditation is very popular .it has been given by Buddha.the main idea of this meditation comes from this should watch your thoughts, activities of your body your doing this your thought process decreases and you feels peace.the seed of this meditation lies in this guru st.nikka singh used to teach us that you are knower not known.this knowledge of knower and known is true knowledge.I think so lord krishana said.
To elev rote further this body in sanskrit is called shatra[field].and the ruler of body is called shatrg [knower of the field].meaning the guide and inspirer of deeds[karma].this as been defined and explained by wise[knower].though this chapter lord krishana defined the realization be tween physical body and the spiritual truth.
this body is field because we sow the seed of karma[deeds] likewise a field and harvest crops of our bad and good actions[karma].my master sant nikka singh ji always used to say that unity of knower and known never happens. known being a part of nature is always visible in all its actions where as the knower is constant.the physical existence of nature is a part of water and oil never meets.this expression of our being only physical related to nature to nature and nothing beyond.our feelings of good and bad happens are simply imposed, artificially on reality.this is called tadatma in vadanta.The elementary truth as has been explained by this solaka.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

The thirteenth chapter of Geeta is an essence of the message Geeta wants to convey.I shall try to interpret it in simple language because it conveys the real meaning and interpretation of life and living.It contains the key to human happiness and salvation.It is the groundwork for meditation,which is beyond observation as is the practice prevalent nowadays as before any practical the knowledge of theory is essential and this is what the 13th chapter explains.
Since the essence of Buddhism lies deep into Vedanta and the same has been explained by Dr.S.Radhakrishan the essence of Geeta is similarly found in Vedanta which came into existence thousands of years before the advent of Geeta.
I used to go to ST. Nikka Singh Ji for learning in 1981-1982.ST. ji was an humble saint and in his and in his presence a brahman recited the shlokas and was interpreted and explained by ST. Ji maharaj.To introduce him he was a man who never attracted towards money,fame and a large number of followers.He owned no material and never desired for it.We used to sit at his seat at 2 A.M.He would bless us by explaining Geeta.My guru ST. Nikka Singh Ji always laid great emphasis on chapter 13th.And according to him,This chapter if understood shall provide the essential seed of knowledge regarding everything their in Geeta.
It is the only with the view that I began my humble submission from chapter 13th
Essentially Geeta was not written for focus on any religion in particular but was explained for the entire humanity

Monday, February 22, 2010

In the self but you were not aware of that incident.In Morning,You say I slept very peacefully.Because in deep sleep there was not knower and known.So,you felt that peace which is eternal.But there was illusion.But in samadhi there is not knower and known,observer and observed.There is consciousness but we are aware of that,eternal bliss.Indian saints say-They are same,Deep sleep and samadhi.But in deep sleep there is ignorance but not in samadhi.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Now we came to our one day activities.there are three stages one is awakening.then dream and deep sleep.we perform our works in our every action knows someone.who is that? in dream someone knows,after our sleep we says at night i saw this and that in my dream.who is that ?In deep sleep,your mind dissolves-continue

Importance of vadantic sutra

A mediator should know the vadantic sutra .In this body there are two parts.One is knower and other is known.You know your body.You say I feel pain in my leg.Today my mind is upset. because you knows your mind is upset.You know your activities of childhood,youth.Every thing will change of body,mind,but not knower.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

What does Meditation do?

As the first post of this blog I will tell you what meditation does.As I feel of meditation,it is a fufilment of life.Every human being wants constant happiness without misery.It is our internal desire.Meditation helps you to achieve beauty of life. Clarity of life,it cools your mind by minimizing your thoughts.A new dawn comes in our life.every thing outside becomes so beautiful and charming.