Tuesday, June 29, 2010

sattava is upper level,rajasa in middle,thamsa lower

urdham gacchanti sattvahastha,madhya tistanti rajasa,
jaghanyguna vrttisthu,abho gacchanti tamasah---18

Those who establish in goodness rise upwards.The passonate remains in the middle[regions].the dull steeped in the lower occurences of the modes sink downwards.---18
The human body is like a cross road.who stayed in sattav guna[goodness]goes to higher level from human body.like god goddess,angles.But who stays in rajas gunna stays in center as a human being.In lower level guna thamsa goes to levels as plants,stones,devils,etc.this is our state after death as described in gita.
But if we are free from gunas we do not go anywhere but becomes one with the self[God].this is self realization in this body and afte body we remains our being.so formation of body is due to these three gunas.when in human body we realize sat-chit-ananda.this is our destination.

Effect of these three gunas.

sattav sanjayati jnamam,rajas lobah eva ca,
parmadnindra tamaso,bhavato janamama eva ca.--17

From goodness arises knowledge and from passion greed and from dullness arises negligence and error.--17

We can find these characteristics of 'gunas'in ourselves.sometime we remains peaceful,joyful and sometime greedy,our demands[vasnas] arises and sometime dull and lazy.
so this indicates us that we should know what we are.what state of mind is going on in this time.if we can remain aware of that state of mind than we will be able stay in sattav guna and can leave rajasa and tamasah. because for going to state of self realiation[samadhi] we have to cross three gunas,and for this we have to stay more time in sattav guna.from sattav guna we can jump in self not from rajas and thamasa.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Fruit of three gunas

karmanah sukrtasya huh,sattavicam niralam phalam,
rajasas tu phalam dukham,agnanam tamasah phalam.---16

The fruit of good action is said to be of the nature of goodness and pure and while fruit of passion is pain and the fruit of dullness is ignorance.---16
Swami Ram threeth used to say we get that thing which we give.if we give happiness or love than it will comes to us by happiness or love.If we give hate ,anger, jealously to an other than it also return to us one day.
simply meaning of this solaka is that we harvest that crop which we sow.our good karmas leads to our life towards love,happiness,and if we do bad actions that leads us toward wickedness and pain.
so the fruit of good actions is goodness and pure and fruit of passion is pain and fruit of dullness is ignorance.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

if ends a man in passion he reborn on earth.

rajjas pralayam gatwa,karmasangisu jayate,
tatha pralinas tamasi mudhayonisu jayate.--15

If any one dies rajjasguna[passion] as the essence of 'rajasguna'he returns back to this very loka to enjoy or suffer the deeds of previous life because of his undying hunger for the fruit of his karmas.that is why Gita preaches to do karmas but not bother about the fruits.reflecting but tamas being the basest.darkness of karmas all around is reborn among the basest animals and suffer.
But those who have a mix of all these three gunas depending on the ratios may take birth with the difference between a street dog and a dog among the royalty.
at the time of death if one leaves the physical body in the state of 'rajasguna,[passion] then he born in the company company of people who attached to action this rajasguna lies in those people who are mostly effected by worldly affairs.To achieve wealth,property,car,house,children,etc.so he born according to his will of passion,in those people who are mostly attached to action.
And if he dies in state of dullness than he goes to lover levels of a ladder of life as animals,birds,devils etc.in India we use a phrase,"antaha mata so hi gata".meaning is as we thinks in the time of death there we goes according our deeds of karmas.
So meaning of this solaka is we born in next life as our stste of mind is in last time of death.

effect of sattwa[goodness]in time of death

yada sattva pravarddhe tu,pralayam yati dehabhrt,
tado ttamavidam lokan,amalan pratipadyat.--14

When one leaves this gross body and subtle soul departs in under the influence of sattvaguna[goodness]it reaches to the highest loka called as 'paramloka' witch is the abode of God himself.
According bhagavadgita it is the Gunas at the time of death which establishes death and these after in case of death under the influnce of sattvaguna the soul enters the higher planes which is abode of God.
If at the time of death we were in sattavaguna[goodness] in the state of joy and knowledge we go to heaven upper level of the earth and take the form of davi,davata,[god, goddess.according to gita our last moments effects on our next journey[lives.It is like as if we go to station and take the ticket of that city or village.so when a human changes his subtle body.if he leaves his physical body in the state of sattavaguna in peaceful,joyful knowledgeable state he goes to upper level of the ladder and reborn like an angle,god.goddess. but it will be according life as we have lead.then we will go to heaven,or in a rich family as due to our good deeds.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

About next lives

In Gita it is a vast subject about death.in other realigns did not shed light on this subject.and now a days this opinion is for most in western countries.as last year i saw a movie based on Bhagwat gita in u.s.a.It was a story of a young girl who reborn in an other state of U.S.A.it was a real story.she describes every event of her previous life.
according to this theory death is the name of leaving the subtle to physical body.it is also narrated in Maharishi Ramana's biography when he was on walk with a devotee.he lay down on a mountain and his subtle body left his physical body.devotee began to weep and his physical body became dark.maharishi was looking this all in his subtle body.but after some time his subtle body entered in his physical body.this is not very uncommon in siddh purshas.
Now what is the effect of these three gunas at the time of death to reborn,we will understand this by 14th solaka.the subtle body is our blue print[seed]to grow in other birth.


aprkkaso parvirti ca,parmado moha eva ca,
tamasy etani jayante,vivrddhe kurunandana--13

Tamasguna[dullness]deprives of enlightenment and makes one do things or actions which arise out of ignorance negligence and lust for basic gratification without the slightest care for morality.lust is supreme and wickedness assist the guna.
There are sines of 'tamas guna'.when these increases a sadhaka should be aware so that this can not defeat him.laziness is like an enemy for a practitioner not for ordinary person.. because by the map of this bhagwat gita we can achieve our aim of self realization.so when this quality comes in action unillumination,inactivity,negligence and mere delusion,these rises ,o joy of the kurus[Arjuna],when dullness increases.


aprkkaso parvirti ca,parmado moha eva ca,
tamasy etani jayante,vivrddhe kurunandana--13

Tamasguna[dullness]deprives of enlightenment and makes one do things or actions which arise out of ignorance negligence and lust for basic gratification without the slightest care for morality.lust is supreme and wickedness assist the guna.
There are sines of 'tamas guna'.when these increases a sadhaka should be aware so that this can not defeat him.laziness is like an enemy for a practitioner not for ordinary person.. because by the map of this bhagwat gita we can achieve our aim of self realization.so when this quality comes in action unillumination,inactivity,negligence and mere delusion,these rises ,o joy of the kurus[Arjuna],when dullness increases.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

About rajasguna[passion]

Lobhah parvrir arambhah,karmanam asamah sprha
rajasy etani jayante,vivrathe bharatarsabha--12

Lord krishana explained O!Bharta[Arjuna]the singes of of growing of rajas guna when it is at play,greed,inspires activities for self gratification through action.deeds and deep craving to get the fufilment of greed both worldly and passions.this leads to acquiring both physical and mental pleasure.
we can not sit for a while to rest in this time our demands,lust increases.we think we should do this and that for obtaining fruits.we can not satisfied by any thing as car,house,wife,wealth and fame,power.so for this we work hard without rest.when we find these qualities in ourself we should aware of them as an enemy in ourself.


sarvedawarasu dehe swinprakasha upajayate
jnanam yada tada vidyad,vivrddham sattvam ity uta--11

when light starts flowing in all the pores of the body,it is evident that the sattava is getting enhanced and effecting it's true selves.

The light of knowledge can have a full Physical manifestation,than we should think that now 'sattava'is active.we get knowledge of outer things by five sense organs.our gates of body are as eyes, tongue,skin,ears and nose they are sense organs the five are objects as,sight,taste,touch,hearing and smell.
so in the time of happiness,and knowledge we feels peace and calmness.the truth of consciousness is not opposed to expression in matter.the divine can be realized on the physical plane.to divinize the human consciousness to bring the light into the physical.To transfer our whole life is the aim of yoga.when our minds are illumined and senses quickened than sattva predominates.

one guna[mode] in front and other two do not work

rajas tamas ca bhibhuya,sattam bahavti bharata,
rajah sattvam tamas cai va,tamah sattvam rajas tatha--10

Although all the modes remains and operate in all human beings yet when one mode operates the other two are remains calm.when sattva operates both rajas and tamaha suppress. correspondingly when rajas operates sattava and thamaha suppress.and so is with tahamah.--10

O Bharata[Arjuna]when sattav gun rise in our mind than tahama and rajas remains in back side of our mind.one guna[mode]gives the effect to our mind including to body the other two remains in back.when sattava guna comes it gives its properties as knowledge and pleasure.we enjoy by any spiritual book or by watching our favorite movie or by going to a tour,party meaning is this that we enjoy any pleasure.
our mind functions about any subject of pleasure.when pleasure and knowledge inter in our mind due to any object we should know that quality of sattva is in it's function.we can see rajas and tamas in back without disturbing us.
And when sattava and tamas are in back of our body and mind then we should know that rajas [passion]has enter in our mind.when it is active we attach to worldly things as wealth, property.Rajas meaning your approach exclusively material and pleasure.
when 'Tamaha'comes in our mind and body,it converts us laziness and selfishness.we wants fruit without doing any any work.Dark sides comes in our minds.in this time rajas and sattva remains in back of our mind.we forget our aim,what spiritual books and saints guides us.
these three qualities lies in our mind.so by witnessing we should check them so that we can come to sattava[goodness]and from sattava we can jump in the self.[samadhi]

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Three mods of life.

sattvam sukhe sanjayati,rajah karmani bharata,
jnassam avarty tu tamash,paramada sanjayaty uta--9

The mod of 'sattva'transent a man to happiness,and knowedge, similarly 'Rajas' one remains in worldly affairs[karmik stage].but last mod tamasa drags one with the lowest form of self.
Goodness attaches one to happiness,passion to action.O! Bharata [Arjuna]but dullness,veiling wisdom attaches to negligence.
Goodness binds us to happiness and we remain in that happiness.as well as wealth,tour,sex,children,house,car.we could not leave that boundary of sattav guna due to pleasure.in 'Rajas'[passion]we caught up in worldly affairs by the fire of desires,lust we do more and more work for the fruite.it binds us by work. Tamas set us in negative state.Laziness,ignorance,we forget what should do or not do.It leads us toward wickedness to get the fruit without making effort.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


tamas tv ajnajam viddhi,mohanam sarvadehina
paramadalasyanidrabhis,tan nibadhnati baharat.--8

In this guna our life becomes dull,dark.this is the dark side of our life.we become unable to define what is right and what is wrong.that teaching which our guru or vadas describes we forget this knowledge.vadas explain us and give view to lead a meaningful life.we forget that teaching and began to do works like an ignorant person.we lost the ability for goodness and reaches to a lower level of our life.this is our negative side.
Tamas leads to us laziness,negligence and sleep.when we become lazy we waste our time to reach the goal of enlightenment.there are so many devotees who are well learned and stared with enlightened sages but due to there laziness they neglect that qualities which are necessary.
central idea of this solaka is:Dullness [tamas]know thou is born of ignorance and dullness.it binds O Baharta [Arjun]by developing the qualities of negligence,indolence,and sleep.

Passion binds us with attachments.

rajo ragatnakam viddhi,trsnasangasamudbhavam,
tan nibahnati kuntey,karamsangana dehinam--7

Passion[rajas]know thou,is the nature of attraction.springing from craving and attachment.It binds fast o! son of kunti[Arjuna],the embodied one by attachment to action.--7
He who wants to become master of his senses of mind,he should aware of his activities of his mind.Because when we see the thief than he runs away.For this we are advised to watch our senses of mind and explore it.If you studied j.krishanamurti,Maharishi Ramana they all advised for observation.
In the time of passion[rajas guna]our mind becomes one with lust,desire,sex,that all called as 'Trishana'in sanskrit.as a man in desert becomes upset without water and he feels that at any cost I should find water.so likewise in lust desire sex,we become thirsty to achieve that thing.
Trishana and sangah[combination].at the time of 'Trishana'deeply desire as,lust we want that at any cost we should get thing as a car,we should not want to leave this car for example.so this is our attachment to worldly things.[objects].This guna binds us by karmas.This solaka was about rajas guna[passion].

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

3 gunas (quality)

Of these goodness(satva) being pure,causes illumination and health.It binds o! blameless one by attachment to happiness and by attachment to knowledge.
This 'satvaguna' is pure and illuminates us.We can find it by its qualities.All experiences this happiness and knowledge the mind is so engrossed in this that it does not desire to move beyond but o! blameless (Arjuna) it binds us by joy and knowledge.The quality of satvagun is goodness.When we feel pleasure by any thing a new house,a car,wealth,wife,son then we become happy and we want to stay in such luxuries.Our knowledge also gives us happiness.I know this and that.In such things we create our ego.I am a rich,I am learned,this and that.But for self-realization we have to crone this barrier of satvaguna.
Because we are happy in this guna we do not want to leave happiness we are attached to these things which gives us pleasure in 'rajus guna'(worldly affairs) and in 'tamas' (darkness) we want to leave this conflict but in satvaguna there is no conflict,so we do not want to leave these pleasures because in satva we are near the self it gives light to our mind.But still there are change.It may be of gold but still are change.It binds us in these things and does not come face to face with self.If we want to jump in a canal we have to stand on its edge.Satva is like this.When we jumo we will be one with water so to reach in samadhi (Self-realization) we have to leave the edge of satvaguna.So it binds us with pleasure and knowledge.You have seen so many creatures,scholars they are attache to their wisdom, intelligence.So knowledge of this type binds us.

Three qualities of our body and mind.

sattvam rajas tamas iti,gunah prakrtisambhavah,
nibadhnanti mahabaho,dehe dehinam avyayam.---5

Everybody is tied to a -mod as classified by their nature and effect as sattvic,rajas,tamas.--5
Three gunas[modes] are like this,sattvica,[goodness]Rajas[passion]Tamas[dullness] These mods lies in our body as a part of nature.they are according our previous lives.we can see some people are peaceful,claim by nature,they are from 'sattvic'nature.some are hard worker talkative nature worldly affairs are most important for him.They can not sit for a while.the are from rajas nature.but still there are from tamas nature they are of lazy nature.they do not work hard.they are extremely self centered.
These qualities are of our mind and body. because our body follows our mind.so Lord Krishana describes these three mods because after knowing them we can find the way to self realization.

My nature is mother and I am father how casts seed

sarvayonisu kaunteya murtayah sambhavanti yah,
tasam brahama mahad yonir,aham bijapradah pita.--4

whatever forms are produced in any wombs whatsoever,O son of kunti [Arjuna]Great Bhrahma is there womb and I am the father who casts the seeds.
Parkarti[nature]is the mother and God is the father of all living beings.as parkirti is also is the nature of God.so GODis the father and mother of the universe.he is the seed and womb of the universe.The spirit of God fertilizes our lives and makes them what God want them to be.The one who follows the path of to righteousness gets involved in all things pass through the world as lotus remains untouched in the water.

Nature is my womb where i cast seed.

sarvayonisu kaunteya,murtayah sambhavanti,yah,
tasam brahma mahad yonir,aham bijapradah pita.-3

Great Braham[parkirti]is my womb in which I cast the seed and from it is the birth of all beings.O! Bharta[Arjuna].-3
If we were merely product of nature than we could not attain the life eternal.The verse affirms that all existence is a manifestation of divine.he is the cosmic seed.With reference to this world,he becomes 'Hiranyagarbha'the cosmic soul.
Shankrachara said,"I unite 'Shatra'with kshatraya giving birth to hiranyagarbha hence to all beings".The Lord is the father who deposits in the womb.which is not the self,the seed which is essential life thus causing the birth of every individual.the world is the play of the infinite on the finite.
The Lord describes that being Bhrama[super soul]himself and the universe being his womb.he provided with the seeds of creation by himself.