Sunday, June 20, 2010

if ends a man in passion he reborn on earth.

rajjas pralayam gatwa,karmasangisu jayate,
tatha pralinas tamasi mudhayonisu jayate.--15

If any one dies rajjasguna[passion] as the essence of 'rajasguna'he returns back to this very loka to enjoy or suffer the deeds of previous life because of his undying hunger for the fruit of his karmas.that is why Gita preaches to do karmas but not bother about the fruits.reflecting but tamas being the basest.darkness of karmas all around is reborn among the basest animals and suffer.
But those who have a mix of all these three gunas depending on the ratios may take birth with the difference between a street dog and a dog among the royalty.
at the time of death if one leaves the physical body in the state of 'rajasguna,[passion] then he born in the company company of people who attached to action this rajasguna lies in those people who are mostly effected by worldly affairs.To achieve wealth,property,car,house,children, he born according to his will of passion,in those people who are mostly attached to action.
And if he dies in state of dullness than he goes to lover levels of a ladder of life as animals,birds,devils India we use a phrase,"antaha mata so hi gata".meaning is as we thinks in the time of death there we goes according our deeds of karmas.
So meaning of this solaka is we born in next life as our stste of mind is in last time of death.

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