Wednesday, March 31, 2010


If we can not sit for a long time how can we achieve our goal in meditation.yogis in India says that are impurities in our bodies which get discharged.Through exercises and yoga we can clean our body.this is a natural system. second step is mental yoga.By observation we can decrease our thoughts and increase our meditation and can achieve bliss[sat-chit-ananda].
Steadfastness--we can achieve stillness of mind by practice.Lord krishana said in Gita that we can achieve this stat by giving-up worldly desires and by long practice.
Self control-If our body,our sense objects are controlled than what remains left.Kings and dictators wants to control on other countries and people but they can not can control themselves.
Whatever routine method is adopted should remain consistently followed and remain in practice throwout.Distracted and withdrawn from all the feelings senses of pleasure and pain irrespective of wherever he lives.


Non violence-It is not to create problem for others,rather help them to solve it.
Patience-It is a very good formula for peacefully life.If we delay anger and do not response,we can see that quarrel comes to an end.Buddha said that patience is the highest form of asceticism and through it one can reach nirvana.for monks and nuns there are four qualities of patience and tolerance to maintain.
1-If someone pushes you around,you should be tolerant patient.
2-If someone shows anger to you,you should not respond with anger.
3-If someone embarrass and insult you,you should not answer back.
4-If someone hits you,you should not strike back.
Uprightness service to the teacher-In ordinary life we see that if we want to be a good mechanic we should join the institute of a learned person.we can not take more of his ability if we does not regard him.But here is not an ordinary teacher he is Guru[an enlightened soul.So if we serve him heartily.than we will be able to get more and more.we should surrender him so that he can fill our empty vessel.
Purity of physical body and mind-We should clean our body.we are going to meet God,and vehicle is our body.we should look after it by yoga exercises,music,dance so that we can fit our body for meditation.


amanitvam adambhitvam,ahimsa ksantir arjavam
acharyopasanam saucam,sithairyam atmavinigraham.--7
Humility[absence of pride],integrity[absence of deceit],non-violence,patience,uprightness,service of the teacher,purity[of body and mind],steadfastness and self control.
these are main factors illegibility for knowledge.
Humility[absence of pride]--Gita teaches to avoid living with such vanity.every type of wars, quarrel, disputes,comes from can see destruction from centuries by can see Hitlers,Changez khans,Alexenders,comes from it.Quarrel in a street and in a home,it may be in husband and wife or dad and son .The root cause of this is our ego.So our saints,it may be Jesus,Nanak,Krishana,they all tried to escape us from it.
Void of vanity[absence of deceit]--We always try to show people this and that.I am superior of all.I have a lot of money or property.I have a lot of knowledge.I am wise.We all wants to sit on the upper level of the ladder.
Non violence

Monday, March 29, 2010

Elements of the field

mahabhutany ahamkaro buddhhir avyaktam eva ca,
indriyani dasai kam ca,panca ce ndriyagocarah.--5
iccha dvesh sukkam dukhume,sangath,chatana dhrti,
etat ksetram samasena,savikaram udahrtam.---6
He bestows to the field five sense organs nose, tongue,eyers,eyes,and skin to gratify,smell,taste,sight,hearing,and smell.Further more to make the field active and perform various deeds he gave organs like hands,legs tongue and to complete the functional field.I added,wisdom,intellect,mind. desires, enmity,joy and pain.Physical body, conscious all these when exits together form.this all is called as field.
the ego means that sum total of these elements we think like 'I'.we do not know that we are 'BHRAMN'.THIS IS DUE TO ILLUSION.we identify with this as i.we do not know that we are knower of the field.[WITNESS].but this experience is of to realize this we should know ourselves.these words from maharishi Ramana,"So long as one thinks he has a fofm,the world and god too have forms.when one is the formless self,who is there to see?it is itself the eye,complete limitless.

saints sung songs on this subject

rishes bahudha gitam chandobhir vividhaih prithak
brahmasutrapadas cai va hetumadbhir viniscitaih.==[4]
This has been described many a times by our ancient saints[Rishies].in various forms even much before the Gita was written.And this is incorporated in details even in vadanta.this definably and clear knowledge is confined in brhamsutra as well.
Truly speaking,as and when someone attains that sup ritual experience he would sing and dance, experience that bliss.It is like inviting others to share that ecstasy.this extra ordinary joy automatically becomes poetic in expression.

Saturday, March 27, 2010


But in deep sleep you know nothing but feels anandha[bliss].you says in the morning i slept very well.i do not know in deep sleep your body,mind,sense organs were slept but not observer.but there was not observer and observed.they were one.this is like samadhi.the difference between deep sleep and samadhi is only that in deep sleep you were not aware due to illusion.but in samadhi you know the bliss[self]. because ther was not watcher and watched,observer and observed.In biography of j.krishanamurti by mery lutyen ,she explained that when krishanamurti used to say in his speeches "observer is observed".It was very difficult for me to described.this is the feeling of samadhi when there remains nothing only bliss.words can not describe see knower and known never meets when meets there is bliss,silence.
Likewise there are three stages of a human.childhood,youth and old age.the body will change,in every stage.our mind will change sense organs will change but not seer[knower].Field will change but not knower of the field.
So lord krishana describes us that who knows the difference between field and knower of the field,he is wise he is juani,according my views.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Field and knower of the field

Now lord krishana describes you know 'me' not body but ultimately truth and you are also 'That'but due to illusion you do not know.Lord krishana says that the knowledge of the field and knower of the field is real knowledge according my views.As has been suggested by Lord Krishana.
You can see in yourself.Suppose you are running.your breath is very fast,your legs and body is tired.but you can see in yourself Someone who knows of the breathing and are studying but there is someone who knows of all your activities of studying.
There are three stages in 24hours.Vdanta called it jagrit[awakening]suvpon[dream]and suspti[deep sleep].There is someone who knows to the activities of your says to day my body is in awakening some part of you knows everything.
second is went to sleep.your eyes were closed.but there was someone which did not sleep.In morning you describe like this.i saw a lion in my dream.I saw a big house at night.the dream was according to your tendencies.but there is someone who describes in the morning.

Field and knower of the field

We have to learn about field and knower of the guru st nikka singh ji used to say that this chapter of Geeta is very important.we must learn about this subject.
He used to say that you are self,Atma but you identify yourself with with body,mind, intellect sense organs.this is our habit from beginning that we identify with these things.This is called in the language of vadanta 'TDATMA'.you say i do this and that.I am sad ,i am happy but you do not know that mind is sad and the 'I'is the watcher of sadness and happiness.
You can see in yourself that there is someone which remains separate from this whole business. activities of the body,activities of the mind activities of sense organs,which is changeable that all is described as known.but which remains unchangeable that is your self, 24hours our body and mind,intellect sense organs are changeable but not the seer.that which is changeable is called ksetram[field,known].As in the field we sow seed and after some time we harvest it.likewise in this body we sow seeds of our karmas[deeds].Good deeds gives us good fruits and bad actions bad fruits.this according to our past lives and in this life.we becomes rich poor,happy,unhappy according these deeds.So this body is 'ksetram'[field].but one thing more who knows the field,knower of the field that is called ksetrajna your self.that is one in all beings.that is our master,god self as you like to lord krishana describes you know 'me'not body but ultimately truth and you also are'that'but you do not know due to illusion .Lord krishana says that that the knowledge of the knower of the field and the field is real knowledge according my my has been suggested by lord krishana-continue

Friday, March 19, 2010

Geeta chapter--13 solak-2 ksetrajnam ca pi mam viddhi sarvakseetresu bharat.ksetrakseajnayor jnanam yat taj jnanam matam mama.---know me as the knower of the Field,O arjana the knowledge of the field and its knower,do i regard as true knowledge.--Now in these days"vippasan" meditation is very popular .it has been given by Buddha.the main idea of this meditation comes from this should watch your thoughts, activities of your body your doing this your thought process decreases and you feels peace.the seed of this meditation lies in this guru st.nikka singh used to teach us that you are knower not known.this knowledge of knower and known is true knowledge.I think so lord krishana said.
To elev rote further this body in sanskrit is called shatra[field].and the ruler of body is called shatrg [knower of the field].meaning the guide and inspirer of deeds[karma].this as been defined and explained by wise[knower].though this chapter lord krishana defined the realization be tween physical body and the spiritual truth.
this body is field because we sow the seed of karma[deeds] likewise a field and harvest crops of our bad and good actions[karma].my master sant nikka singh ji always used to say that unity of knower and known never happens. known being a part of nature is always visible in all its actions where as the knower is constant.the physical existence of nature is a part of water and oil never meets.this expression of our being only physical related to nature to nature and nothing beyond.our feelings of good and bad happens are simply imposed, artificially on reality.this is called tadatma in vadanta.The elementary truth as has been explained by this solaka.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

The thirteenth chapter of Geeta is an essence of the message Geeta wants to convey.I shall try to interpret it in simple language because it conveys the real meaning and interpretation of life and living.It contains the key to human happiness and salvation.It is the groundwork for meditation,which is beyond observation as is the practice prevalent nowadays as before any practical the knowledge of theory is essential and this is what the 13th chapter explains.
Since the essence of Buddhism lies deep into Vedanta and the same has been explained by Dr.S.Radhakrishan the essence of Geeta is similarly found in Vedanta which came into existence thousands of years before the advent of Geeta.
I used to go to ST. Nikka Singh Ji for learning in 1981-1982.ST. ji was an humble saint and in his and in his presence a brahman recited the shlokas and was interpreted and explained by ST. Ji maharaj.To introduce him he was a man who never attracted towards money,fame and a large number of followers.He owned no material and never desired for it.We used to sit at his seat at 2 A.M.He would bless us by explaining Geeta.My guru ST. Nikka Singh Ji always laid great emphasis on chapter 13th.And according to him,This chapter if understood shall provide the essential seed of knowledge regarding everything their in Geeta.
It is the only with the view that I began my humble submission from chapter 13th
Essentially Geeta was not written for focus on any religion in particular but was explained for the entire humanity