Saturday, March 27, 2010


But in deep sleep you know nothing but feels anandha[bliss].you says in the morning i slept very well.i do not know in deep sleep your body,mind,sense organs were slept but not observer.but there was not observer and observed.they were one.this is like samadhi.the difference between deep sleep and samadhi is only that in deep sleep you were not aware due to illusion.but in samadhi you know the bliss[self]. because ther was not watcher and watched,observer and observed.In biography of j.krishanamurti by mery lutyen ,she explained that when krishanamurti used to say in his speeches "observer is observed".It was very difficult for me to described.this is the feeling of samadhi when there remains nothing only bliss.words can not describe see knower and known never meets when meets there is bliss,silence.
Likewise there are three stages of a human.childhood,youth and old age.the body will change,in every stage.our mind will change sense organs will change but not seer[knower].Field will change but not knower of the field.
So lord krishana describes us that who knows the difference between field and knower of the field,he is wise he is juani,according my views.

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