If we can not sit for a long time how can we achieve our goal in meditation.yogis in India says that are impurities in our bodies which get discharged.Through exercises and yoga we can clean our body.this is a natural system. second step is mental yoga.By observation we can decrease our thoughts and increase our meditation and can achieve bliss[sat-chit-ananda].
Steadfastness--we can achieve stillness of mind by practice.Lord krishana said in Gita that we can achieve this stat by giving-up worldly desires and by long practice.
Self control-If our body,our sense objects are controlled than what remains left.Kings and dictators wants to control on other countries and people but they can not can control themselves.
Whatever routine method is adopted should remain consistently followed and remain in practice throwout.Distracted and withdrawn from all the feelings senses of pleasure and pain irrespective of wherever he lives.
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