Wednesday, April 14, 2010

self is like cinema scream

asaktam sarvabhrc caii va,nirgunam gunabhoktr ca.--14
He appears to have the qualities of all the senses and yet is without any of the senses,unattached and yet supporting all free from the [gunas] dispositions of parkriti.and yet enjoying them.
He is knower of our senses.just when we saw a figure,that image catches our mind.but there is someone who sees[knows]of that figure on our mind.this applies on our sense organs touch,hearing,smell and taste.but he[knower]knows of that objects on our mind.but he remains separate from that,name and forms which appears on our mind.
Maharishi Ramana used to say,"our self is like a cinema scream where figures comes and goes but it remains separate from that .we should remove these figures by the practice of 'HOW AM I.'Simply we can say.this study of scriptures is like to know the theory but to know the knower we should apply the method of meditation without any figure.


  1. I am convined that this was the divine being who had been described in Gita.

  2. oh yes it is so.gita is a work which was the ancient knowledge in is described in gita,on meditation,devotion and works dedicated to god without desire of the fruit.
