dhyanend tmani pasyanti,kecid atmanam atmand,
anye samkhyena yogena,karmayogena ca pare.--23
By meditation some perceive the self in the self by the self;others by the path of knowledge and still others by the path of works.
There are three methods lord krishana described in this solaka. fruitesome reaches the goal of self realization.once this dawn is followed by observing the very heart in which he is realized and to constantly reaming in his company the process of observing through begins.through this all unwanted thoughts element-ed.only hold upon on one thought for achieving oneness with the supreme soul.this is for those who have reached to higher levels.they found the self in there hearts.when mind becomes silent[empty] it fills with bliss.we can not explain that stage but only we can indicate it.that is why sages says nati nati nati.[after describing they says we can not explain!we can't].
Second method is of 'Bhakti'[devotion]we surrender to guru or God and do service of the mankind,every being heartily.by thus method our darkness of mind vanishes and we will be able for meditation.
Third is karamyoga in this method we do works heartily but leaves the fruit of it.
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