Sunday, May 2, 2010

Witness in body is god.

updrasta numanta ca,bharta bhokta mahesvarah
paramatma ti ca py ukto,dehe smin purusah parah.--21
The supreme spirit in body is said to be the witness,the permitter,the supporter the Experiencer,the great lord and the supreme self.
'Updrasta'witnessing in this body.there is someone in our body who watches every action of our body,mind, senses that is our being.First quality is of witness.
Here are six characters of the self.
1='updrasta' witnessing.there is someone who knows our every action of mind, intellect,body,sense organs.
2:'unumanta' there is someone who gives us true gaudiness it is also the characters
3:'Bharta' he gives light to our field[as described in 13th chapter]
4:'Bhogta' as jiva,it is still self,but due to identify with body,mind,it becomes jiva.
5:Mhaswarah' It is the great God,our self is god.
6;'psrmatma'it is supreme atma.[self]
so such god where lives? answer is in this body.this is an important solaka of guru st nikka singh ji used to say if you can follow this solaka ,no any thing remains should know that you are'Drasta'[witness]not 'dresha'witnessed
you are knower not are witness not witnessed.we described briefly in this chapter.we described in this chapter,you can see your acticties of your body,mind,intellect and sense organs.every thing is changeable except witnessing.Three stages of the body,childhood,youth,old age,but witness remains we comes to 24 hours three stages as vadanta describes it jagrit[awakening],suvpon[dreams],susuvti[deep sleep].every thing comes and goes but your witnessing remains same in every stage.
Anumanta:He gives us true guidance some times you have noticed it.thus when we can not solve our problems and get confused.sudden a true guidance comes from withen and we say it inner voice of my heart.that is also his quality of the self.he indicates us but it is upon us we agree with it or not.if our heart is pure this voice is stronger in time of meditation,devotion it comes most to us.
Bharta:the word bharta is used for husband in India. because he is our master,creator,and supporter.By his existence our body and mind.just as light comes lights,fans every electric instrument began to do function and without it everything is by his existence we performs our works as in the presence of magnet steel needles began to move,so he is our life.
Bhogta:There is a 'jiva'mind+self,which exists as'I'in our hearts.but this is not is called as mind which is illusion.this is 'bhogta'.it identifies with body,mind,as I.when we dies it takes our blue print of all deeds,and takes a new is our seed to next doubt it is 'Bharam'but due to illusion it becomes mind.
Mahaishawarha:It is also supreme God.of such qualities ,he is in our hearts we can find in our body in human form.that is why Indian sages says that body of human is grace period meeting with him.we can get enlightened in this form.
The supreme soul,the knower is beyond rebirth since he is constant.It is the field or 'Parkirti'which is ever evolving through birth and death.But in all forms it is the supreme soul which resides in every being.By merely excepting this truth and living by the guidance of the supreme being one is absolved from the cycle of life and death.

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