karya karana kartrtve,hetuh parkrtir ucyate
purshah sukhaduhkhanam,bhoktrrve hetur ucyate.---20
Nature is said to be the cause of effect,instrument and agent[ness]and the soul is said to be the cause,in regard to the experience of pleasure and pain.
Because our minds stay in parkrti[nature]as a part of it in this visible world.so our mind 'jivatma'come into existence through the union of parkarti[nature]with substantiate the physical part but is still incomplete unless the 'jiva'attains union with it.the blend of nature and spirit manifests itself as mind.which experiences pleasure and pain and distinguish between what is and what is not thus creating all the turmoil within.But when by meditation our mind leaves the name and forms it takes the shape of sat-chit-ananda[truth-consciousness-bliss].that is why every enlightened soul like maharishi ramana j.krishanamurti shows the way of meditation.in a little book by maharishi ramana is wrtten like this.then maharishi was in samadhi in virupaksh cave.he did not speak.he wrote an answer to shivaprkasham pillani.he reached in 1902 on official work.
Q:what is the nature of mind?.-Ans;What is called'mind'is a wondrous power residing in the self.it causes all thoughts to arise.apart from thoughts there is no such thing as mind. therefore thought is the nature of the mind.apart from thoughts there is no independent entity called the world.in deep sleep there are not thoughts and is not world also.in the state of walking and dream ,there are thoughts and there is world also.just as the spider emits the thread out of itself and again withdraws it into itself and again resolves it into itself.when the mind,comes out of the self,the world appears.therefore when the world appeaser to be real the self does not appear.when one persistently inquires into the nature of mind,the mind will end leaving the self[Atma]as the reside.what is referred to as the self is[Atma].the mind always exists only in dependents on something gross.it can not stay alone.it is the mind that is called the subtle body or soul[jiva]This jiva is subtle.it leaves the body and again takes an other body by birth.our good and bad deeds [karmas]according our balance sheet which we done in this life.if our balance sheet which we done in this life is of good deeds[karmas]we will take the body of an angle;davi or devta.and after our period in heaven we comes back to human form.but if our deeds are bad according our balance sheet then we takes the form of a devil.and when the period of our punishment ends we comes to human form.and if our karmas[deeds]are some good and some bad than we take the form of a human.
But if we get enlightened in our human form then we becomes one with our real nature[self]so there are four ways leads to angles,devils,human,and be one with our self.in this stage Indian sages used to say,'AHUMBRHSMI" meaning i am that.so this human body has great significance.it is the time of sowing seeds.that is why human body is called'shatra'meaning field.as in field we reap the fruite what we has sown and also ged enlightened.be self.
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