Monday, November 25, 2013

Chapter sixth soloka 3.

                          For the sage who desires to ascend to yoga,
                          action is said to be the means.
                           only for that one who has ascended to yoga,
                          calmness said to be the means.

                                                                                      In this solaka  it has been described that who is interested in self-realization and yet has not been able to got eternal peace, he has to work on Karma yoga. [ he has to work ,or by doing his deeds without desiring fruits.] by doing such activities he will be able to finish his sins, which are due the chain of our last lives and this life. by serving he will be able to get mental peace or we can say Samadhi. these deeds are of three types yag. daan. and tapa. To feed the poor, distribution of food etc, giving charity, and taking effort for worship , japa, repeating sacred words.
this all was for getting Samadhi. and when he got Samadhi  than after realizing of the self there is not any law upon him. he can remain in self-abidance or if he wants he can do for the benefit of  humanity. he can suggest the people way towards many saints has been seen in India ,some remained in self-abidance and some were interested for liberation of the other ones.

1 comment:

  1. This what I am writing here, as I learnt from my guru st. Nikka singh ji, I am explaining here. he was a great sage who never touched money in his whole life and what he used to said it fulfills according Lords wish. as I take advantage from him so I wants to somebody can know this Vedanta knowledge. this is a knowledge which shows us the way to Immorality. because we consider to our self as a body but this knowledge teach us that you are not body. you are not mind.
